Partrick Cassidy accompanied by grandson Christopher Yerks, Glen Marron joined by his son James Marron, James Ryman joined by his son Tim Ryman, Bob Peno joined by his son Mike Peno, Neal Paulson joined by his nephew Chris Paulson, David Cloutier joined by his grandson Nicholas Melberg, George Rasmussen joined by his nephew Harry (Bud) Rasmussen, Ron Fields joined by his son Jeremy Fields. Included are retirees Dennis Angell & Jim Grow
Monday, September 11, 2023, was another special day for Federal employees and their heroes in Washington D.C.
Honor Flight Twin Cities, established in 2008, provides veterans a free one-day excursion to visit the various war memorials and key monuments. Federal is a proud sponsor of the annual event and this year eight Federal employees and their veteran family member left the Twin Cities for Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to be honored for their service and sacrifice.
Dennis Angell and fellow retiree Jim Grow helped lead the memorable trip which included a visit to Arlington Cemetery and watching the changing of the guard at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (location of photo).
For more on this year’s trip, including more images, videos, and news coverage, go to the Honor Flight Twin Cities Facebook page. To learn more about the organization and how you can help with future recognition flights, check out www.honorflighttwincities.org.